Random Scribble #722

Tuesday, July 24, 2012 K.Z. Freeman 0 Comments

Emotion is energy in movement. It mirrors life. We shift and the spaces between the lines move, yet it's not only spaces in between which determine an area. A reality consisting of fragments and intangible "things" around and within, which drift onto forever. They are thoughts taking form in the mind - they start and begin in the mind and end in the mind. 
The eyes see, but only what's "out there", what can be determined and captured, processed, while emotions feel what the eyes cannot. 

And always the sphere of emotion warps and wefts, sets and determines a different mould of reality outside reason and flesh, ever-adding to the complexity of its infinite design.

An interesting fact that, in Zen, the mind is located where the heart is (Kokoro), the psychic centre; where intuition and spirit intertwine, mutually collapse and reform, slumping and rising. 

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The Human Abstract

Monday, July 16, 2012 K.Z. Freeman 0 Comments

Have you ever had moments in your life wherein your outline appeared to expand and encompass everything? When you seemed to become one with everything and everyone? A moment between moments when the notion of Oneness wasn't simply an abstract idea in your mind, but a sensation you felt? If you have, please share you experience with me. I would love to read about it, not only when it happened and how long it lasted, but also how many times it has happened since and how you think it changed your outlook on life and existence.

Please describe these experiences in a comment or (preferably) send me an email on kzeefreeman@gmail.com.

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