Quantum Oneness - Everything Connects

Friday, June 22, 2012 K.Z. Freeman 0 Comments

A blackbody is a theoretical, physical body which absorbs all forms of radiation. In reality, such a body doesn’t exist, but let us look at this a bit differently.
Historically, this is where the Quantum Theory began. So it seems only fair that we should also begin here. The basic idea is this: the radiant energy of a hollow cavity – energy that originates from within it – that is to say, inside the walls of the cavity, emits vibrations of every possible frequency and in all directions simultaneously. The rate of these emissions increases rapidly with the increase in temperature. The amount of  emitted energy, however, does not increase indefinitely with time, as the rate of emission is opposed by the rate of absorption within the cavity walls. To put it simply, there is always radiation within the cavity, so as the emissions are increased, the absorption rate needs to “keep up” with the emission rate. As equilibrium is reached between emission and absorption rate -- meaning that absorption occurs as soon as the radiation is emitted -- the material which absorbs and emits is no longer important, what becomes important is the temperature of the material. And this is the key point.  Because what is temperature? It is the rate at which elementary particles inside the material vibrate and spin. For now, we’re not going to delve deeper and say, but what are elementary particles, really? For now let’s take on the quantum explanation and say elementary particles are objects of possibility. Now, if we take a single neuron pathway, and apply the previously discussed principle of emission and absorption (in equilibrium) governed by temperature, we can assume every pathway, since it simultaneously absorbs radiation from other neuron pathways and emits it upon itself and onto others, that that neuron pathways acts the same as this hollow, blackbody cavity.
Example: We have all known times where we feel “run down” and haggard, tired, and times when we are brimming with mental activity. My suggestion here is not that we increase the temperature of our heads by any external means [although I believe this too would work to an extent], but to do this by increasing our mental activity. There is no doubt that when the brain’s mental activity lowers, so too does the frequency of its operation, resulting in lessened emission and absorption rates. Could it be then that, in fact, when it comes to the blackbody, we have devised this theoretical thing, without realizing there is in fact a perfectly working one already inside us? And that, because of this, we were able to conceive of such a thing in the first place? My personal opinion is that, yes. Now it is true that the forms of radiation which our brain can absorb is governed by the capabilities of our senses, but once this information passes through this filtering systems of our sense-perception organs, the brain absorbs all. The reasons why we are perceptive to such a narrow band of radiation, whether it is light, sound, electromagnetic or any other field, are due to our evolutionary processes. Processes which limited our minds, made them more resilient to “useless” stimuli in order for the whole to be able cope with the stimuli which are necessary for its survival and continued existence.
Another thing which is  to note in the case of blackbody emission and absorption rate is this. If the temperature of the blackbody is raised, the maximum is shifted towards higher frequencies, which makes sense, since, frequency is the rate of vibration, or the number of cycles per a given length of time. This is important because, in a very real sense, we have all felt this happen in our heads numerous times. But in the case of the brain, the simultaneous rise in temperature and frequency is even more obvious. That is to say, the process in our minds happens so fast it would seem and feel the two arise mutually, as it is indeed the case in a blackbody (as per stated in the beginning of this paragraph). The most noted example is anger. A flash of intense anger often feels like a rise in temperature in our heads, because in fact it is. In a spur of momentary anger, absorption and emission rise to such a degree in a given spot, that we can feel it and, as a result, usually use our organic apparatuses to express it. Meaning that we yell, curse, flail our hands or whatever. In quite a similar fashion, the expression “they are having a heated debate,” is not used in vain. This, however, does not necessarily apply only in the case of anger. But to all things in the brain. Allow me to elaborate. We know the brain heats up when there is increased activity in any given spot or area. Thus, in our “heated debate”, neurons absorb and emit at an increased rate. When the absorption rate (the understanding of a subject is lowered) while the emission rate (information input) is higher, the blackbody equilibrium is nonexistent (there is no equilibrium), and we have issues with comprehending.
But when the rate of emission and absorption within a neuron is in equilibrium, the process becomes discontinuous and allows for near instant absorptions of outside stimuli (obviously there is still a path upon which the signals must travel, so it’s never instant). 
It is thus no surprise that we feel most alive when this process is occurring at the maximum frequency (temperature) and thus rate – as the blackbody is, at that instant, absorbing more and more radiation as a result.
There are, of course, other instances that would suggest that the brain does not absorb only sensory input. By now experiments have been conducted by universities in Brasil, Zurick and Berlin, that would seem to suggest that, in cases of meditative states, people seem to be able to communicate non-locally. Thus, I think, it is not wise to simply exclude this phenomena and assume the brain is simply an organ full of chemical reactions and not much else.
Another good source of how the brain seems to be able to access increased levels of perceptional awareness have been drugs, in particular DMT, which has been experimented with, not by individuals alone, but by doctors using scientific methods and data-collecting, like Rick Strassman MD, to show truly puzzling data on how, by altering the brain’s vibrationonal structure (meaning adding new molecules to its receptors) it is seemingly able to absorb radiation of forms that it otherwise cannot access. Most might dismiss this as drug-input altering the brain and making people see things that do not exist and never will. But what do you really do upon ingesting (absorbing) a drug, any drug? You add a molecule. You add a new vibrational structure into your brain which, by definition, makes the brain itself vibrate in a slightly different manner. And this is another key point. If the brain can and will absorb ANY vibrational structure (an atom) [of course such a thing is not advised and may result in cancelation of its functions] then it is indeed a blackbody. It might reject the particular radiation, but will still absorb it.

Now, an important aspect to note in all of this is that energy within the blackbody is a sum of different terms and conditions. This means different wavelengths (the time between vibrations) and polarizations do not interact with each other. For them to be able to interact, the energy of one vibration depends on the state of another and vice versa. What does this mean for the brain? For our own interactions with others? To give concrete examples would be what I had just mentioned in the paragraph above. The introduction of drugs and intoxicants often means that two people cannot relate to each other on the same level, assuming one has taken a drug and the other has not. It has often been stated that they are on “different frequencies” and that is completely true. When this happens in the brain, it often results in conflicting data between neurons, conflicting energy, which causes confusion and conflicting emissions within the other, non-drugged individual.
Another example is that, on one hand, you want someone romantically, to be with them, while, on the other hand, you may not be sure that you two fit. The two energies simply do not interact, and are feeding your conscious thinking with separate, often times conflicting information of what you think you desire. This quantum state of energy fluxuation also relates to human interactions in a sense that it expresses itself outwardly from  the nexus of neuron constellations and expresses in mannerisms, speech, movements.

I am like you. Remove the ‘am’. 

The problems of all our interactions arise when we fight for this energy within us and our two systems cannot interact because our vibrational patterns are different. Yet when our inner states are in equilibrium, ie. we understand what someone is expressing, we in turn say we understand that person. This energy is outwardly mostly exchanged with speech, effecting in turn the neurons within you. When you understand someone and find aspects of yourself in them, equilibrium is easily reached. We say we connect. That we connected with someone. But, in reality, the inner battle of our neuron pathways has simply ceased and an equilibrium has been reached as the radiation and absorption of energy in the form of thoughts has become discontinuous ­– one motion.
In quantum theory and within the blackbody, it is possible to choose an interval so small, that no important physical quantity changes with it. But we can also choose an interval so large, that very many oscillations are included in the process. In our case, the term “oscillators” can – in the case of the brain – be exchanged for the term neurons. This largeness or the amount of neurons, can be mathematically expressed in a density function. When the amount of oscillations/neurons is large – so large if fact, that their number can be treated as a net, the process complicates further. When the internal leaps between input is so small (only a small net of neurons need to fire for a specific memory, for instance) you cease to perceive any change in your mind and the process of thinking becomes discontinuous. When in turn this activity absorbs a whole set of neuron pathways along with it, the discontinuity of the process remains, and suddenly, your “whole” brain is engaged with a problem with which you are struggling.
Energy within the blackbody is weight according to its probability. This is also helpful to our line of thinking. For the brain functions (even if you subscribe to the basic view of chemical reactions and sensory input alone) in quantum fields. If you look from the standpoint of oneness, of discontinuity in the sense that, all non-discontinuity is brought on only by our point of view (reference) then all the chemicals are simply different sets of vibrational patters. Different wavelengths.
How does probability come into play, then?
First, let us examine one of the assumptions made by Planck. Again, we will change the term “oscillators” with “neurons”. The energy of a neuron of natural frequency is restricted to integral multiples of a basic unit.  This basic unit is not the same for all neurons, since it is proportional to the frequency (a frequency which is its own). The idea here then, is that [by the way, the energy within this neuron is so small it cannot be detected with most instruments, but only as a web of neuron pathways.] each neuron adds its own specific wavelength, an imprint that correlates to the imprint of input at the time when it had formed.  This adds new layers of possibility and is, in turn, what helps us form new ideas and thoughts as the inner webs of neurons struggle to form a state of equilibrium, which can only be achieved by cross-reference or adding new neurons. If you were following closely, you might ask, how then, can neurons even interact and reach a state of equilibrium between each other, if no structure of a neuron is similar to the other? Because by definition that would mean they have different wavelengths, right? But you see, that is the beauty of our brain, instead of struggling how to make two systems interact, it adds new systems that connect to and are separate, yet part of the whole within that system. Remember, for two separate systems to interact, one needs to depend on the energy of another. This is the key here. In such a system, as it becomes more and more complex, everything else begins to rely on everything else in ever-growing complexity. The direct result of this is that all of them come together as one motion, striving for constant balance. Balance, of course, is not always reached. But balance is key.

I would like to end this chapter with this: conflicting thoughts* are necessary for new “balancing” mechanisms to arise in the brain.

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