Life Hacks

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 K.Z. Freeman 1 Comments

Smile broadly before answering the phone.

Enter a room assuming everyone already likes you.

Take note of people's eyes. Long stare. (huhu)

For answers that you were given which you think are partial, say nothing. Wait.

In nervous sutuations, chew gum.

Notice the direction of people's feet. When their chest is facing you, but their feet are not, you have not won them over.

Don't be intimidated by anyone; almost everyone is playing a role/wearing a mask.

And my personal favourite:

Immediately after the alarm wakes you, sit up, pump your fists in the air and shout, "YEAH!"

1 comment:

  1. Notice the direction of people's feet. When their chest is facing you, but their feet are not, you have not won them over. call of duty ghosts cheats multiplayer
